Hi everyone
Please forgive if this issue was already addressed in another post.
I'm publishing a map and if I use Analyse Map using the File Menu (Pic 1) I get a different result comparing to Analyse in the Service Editor, using Share As -> Map Service (See Pic 2).
Is this "normal"? Has anyone ever noticed this behaviour? Is it documented by ESRI?
Thank you very much
Kind Regards,
Hi Rui,
The Analyze button on the Service Editor helps you identify potential performance bottlenecks and errors that you will need to address before you can publish your GIS resource as a service.
Analyze Map in ArcMap helps you to improve the drawing performance of your ArcMap documents by generating a list of potential display performance issues.
e.g.: A 3D symbol could go fine with ArcMap. But when we are publishing a Map Service, a warning might pop-up.
Hi Jay
Thank you very much for your answer!