Project a set of coordinates - points from an excel into a shape file with unknown coordinate system (map-match)

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05-17-2015 04:06 AM
New Contributor II


I am trying to project a set of coordinates (points) from an excel, on top of a shape file (map) with an unknown coordinate system.

The excel file was created by first creating a map with some points in Google earth and then exported it into a .kml file and then created the excel.

The shape file was given to me ready for the project i am doing. Basically i am trying to map-match the two files and then join-relate them to get some additional information for my project.

Here is what i did step by step:

1. Open ArcMap (V.10.1) and right clicked 'Layers' and defined a Geographic Coordinate System 'WGS 1984'

2. Imported the "vista_nicosia_links.shp" (first attachment) and received a warning for unknown Spatial Reference (second attachment:Unknown_Spatial_Reference.jpg)

3. Exported the file into a shape file using 'the same coordinate system as the Data frame' option (third attachment:Export_Output.shp).

4.Now in the Properties->Source tab i can see the Geogra[hic Coordinate System to be GCS_WGS_1984 and the 'Extend' info are those in the forth attachment(Extend_Export_Output.jpg) having 7 digits on the left of the comma.

5.I closed and re-opened ArcMap and performed actions of Step 1

6. Then i added X,Y data from the excel file (fifth attachment: MAP V_5.3 Coordinates) and then right-click -> display X,Y data and specified the X and Y field. In the description of Input Coordinate System it was by default GCS_WGS_1984.

7.I exported the data into a .shp file (sixth attachment:Export_Output_2.shp) using 'the same coordinate system as the Data frame' option.

8.I re-opened ArcMap and repeated actions in step 1 and imported the two shape files i created in steps 3 and 7(Export_Output.shp and Export_Output_2.shp)

9. The two shape files are displayed in entirely different positions the one far away from the other. I noticed that in right click -> Properties -> Source tab-> 'Extent' area of the Export_Output i see that there are 7 digits on the left of the comma (forth attachment: Extend_Export_Output.jpg), where as in Export_Output_2 i see only 2 digits on the left of the comma (seventh attachment: Extend_Export_Output_2.jpg).

10. Then i tried to project both shape files (one at a time) from "ArcToolbox -> Data Management Tools -> Projections and Transformations -> Define Projection" into Projected Coordinate system 'WGS 1984 World Mercator' but nothing seems to change or happening. They are both re-projected at the same (initial) positions.

I also tried many other alternatives i found in the internet but didn't manage to sort this out.

It would be greatly appreciated if someone could help me to sort this out because i don't know what i am doing wrong and i am stacked at this point for quite a long now.

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15 Replies
MVP Alum

And, to add to Sephe's comments...

Step 10. You do not project a shapefile by using the "Define Projection" tool.

This simply overwrites the "metadata" about what the coordinate system is. It does nothing to the underlying geometry. Define Projection should only be used if you have a dataset with an undefined projection and you know what that projection is..

Esri Notable Contributor

I also received those drawing error messages. It could be there's some sort of formatting issue in the excel file. Maybe the dashes or spaces in the column headers?

Everyone else has been giving good recommendations.


Frequent Contributor

Interesting, I was able to import it using the the Import Excel table tool, and then display x/y data, no problem. I didn't try exporting it though.

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New Contributor II

I removed from the excel the 'Name' Column and also the in the ID column i inserted plain number-values (instead of the formula i had - A=A[i-1]+1). The points are now succesfully drawn over the map as desired even though i received the warning for drawing errors!!!!

Thanks again for your valuable help and time !!

Frequent Contributor

You're welcome. By the way, it's customary to mark the most helpful answer as correct, and to just use "Assumed Answered" when you solved the problem elsewhere, for example. You can also click helpful on other answers that helped you.

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New Contributor II

Ok Noted!


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