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problems with annotation in import/export of DGN files in Arc10

12-19-2011 12:01 PM
New Contributor
I am trying to import/spatially edit/export a large number of DGN v8 tiles.  I can't get Arc to recognize the font of the CAD data in the initial import (using "CAD to Geodatabase" tool); it all defaults to Arial.  I have installed a truetype version of the Microstation font on the machine I am using for this and added the font into a Style.  I can then change the font in the Annotation feature class to match my CAD drawings, but Arc still tries to export the font as Arial.  Also, maybe the biggest problem with my export from GDB to CAD tiles ("Export to CAD" tool) is that the annotation not only does not export in the correct font, it also distorts and expands spatially to where each CAD tile is 10s of time larger spatially than it should be, just because of the annotation.  All the point, line and polygon elements of the CAD data export perfectly into place.  This annotation problem occurs whether or not I have the projection for the GDB and data frame set correctly in ArcMap before export.
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4 Replies
Occasional Contributor III
I am having the same problem. When I import/export a DGN file through ArcMap, the annotation comes out spatially distorted. I think the value for the font width is being taken from the overall physical width of the text element itself, and thus stretching it out.

This seems to be a bug?

Screenshot attached.
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New Contributor
we can import and export the text with the help of autocad map.
path of import and export in autocad.
Map, Tool, Import/Export....
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New Contributor
it also distorts and expands spatially to where each CAD tile is 10s of time larger spatially than it should be, just because of the annotation. All the point, line and polygon elements of the CAD data export perfectly into place. This annotation problem occurs whether or not I have the projection for the GDB and data frame set correctly in ArcMap before export.

The change in font size might be from the reference scale. In the Environment Settings for the import tool, try setting the scale to what it was at when in CAD. Hope this helps!;)
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Occasional Contributor III
Thanks for the response Sarah.

I tried running the import tool again based on the text scale set in MicroStation, which was "Full Size 1=1". I therefore used an import reference scale of 1.

Once I re-exported this to CAD, I continued to still see the same issue.
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