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Problems using the raster calculator

02-20-2014 10:15 PM
Deactivated User
The raster calculator (ArcMap10.1) will not add up the values of my raster layers. They have all been reclassified to values between 1 and 4, with no data=1, but when I add them together I don't get numbers between 2 and 8. I get numbers between -2147483647 and 2147483647.
Please help! I have tried everything...
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2 Replies
Emerging Contributor

Please help! I have tried everything...

If you tried everything, I am not sure anyone can help 😄

In all seriousness it would be helpful if you could explain what you actually did do. My suggestion would be to try to float the raster layers. Alternatively it may be that ArcGIS has not computed statistics yet and thus your range is out of whack.
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Deactivated User
Looks like my 'everthing' is missing some things because floating the raster layers worked!

Thanks so so much! 🙂
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