Problem in Upgrading Geodatabase from 9.3.1 to 10.2

11-25-2013 06:34 AM
Deactivated User
I have a problem in upgrading ArcSDE 9.3.1 to 10.2, please find below steps that I have done.
1- Original Database was Oracle 9i Enterprise edition release 64bit, hosted on UNIX, ArcSde version 9.1
2- I performed full database backup for the database
3- Restored the dump file on Oracle 11g Enterprise edition release 64bit hosted on Linux Redhat enterprise 64bit
4- Performed ArcSDE 9.3.1 for oracle 10g post install,
a. I selected Custom
b. Selected Repository Setup �??Only�?�, and uncheck all other options
c. I kept default file for GIOMGR.defs, and dbinit.sde
d. I selected Upgrade for DB tune, and regarding Geometry, I selected �??Keep Current default geometry storage�?�
5- Connect using ArcCatalog 9.3.1 and perform Geodatabase upgrade
6- Make direct connection using ArcCatalog 10.2 installed on Windows 7 64bit machine, having oracle 11g client 32bit installed,          using �??SDE�?� user
7- I tried to perform upgrade Geodatabase
        a.First I selected �??Perform prerequisite check�?� only: it passed with the below warning
         �??Connected RDBMS instance is not setup for ST_GEOMETRY configuration. [Unable to determine current version of ST_SHAP          ELIB. Please check the ST_Geometry shape library path on the Oracle server, which is set to "C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\ArcSD         E\ora10gexe\bin\st_shapelib.dll". Refer to the ArcGIS help topics for more details.�?�, I copied the �??�?� to the ora         cle home \lib directory on the database server (Linux), but it didn�??t solve the problem, even by updating the extproc.ora file           as mentioned in the below link , however it was just a warning so I conti         nued to upgrade the database.
         b.I selected �??Upgrade Geodatabase�?� only, I got the same warning of ST_GEOMETRY, then it continue and gives me the
         below error

         Running Pre-Requisite check (C:\Users\hboieth\AppData\Roaming\ESRI\Desktop10.2\ArcCatalog\SDE on HAYTHAM.sde).
Instance supports XML type.
Updating server tables and stored procedures.
Could not update server tables and stored procedures.
Refer to upgrade logfiles for more details:
Unpaused the database.
Failed to execute (UpgradeGDB).
Failed at Mon Nov 25 20:39:25 2013 (Elapsed Time: 0.97 seconds)

         c.Below the  �??sde_setup.log�?�

[Mon Nov 25 19:21:41 2013]
ST_Geometry Schema Owner: (SDE) Type Release: 1007
[Mon Nov 25 19:21:41 2013] Instance initialized for ((sde)) . . .

[Mon Nov 25 19:21:41 2013] Cannot upgrade a user schema geodatabase
when the master schema geodatabase is at a previous release.
The master schema geodatabase must be upgraded first.
[Mon Nov 25 19:21:41 2013] ERROR: Geodatabase schema object install not completed (-522).
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3 Replies
Esri Esteemed Contributor
Step 4 seems to be wrong -- You needed to use the ArcSDE 9.3.1sp2 for Oracle 11g
post-installer, not the 10g post-installer.

- V
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Deactivated User
While creating the connection in Desktop 10.2, did you use the syntax "sde: oracle11g:TNSNAME" ?

If yes, just try creating the connection with "TNSNAME" in the Instance parameter.

0 Kudos
Deactivated User
While creating the connection in Desktop 10.2, did you use the syntax "sde: oracle11g:TNSNAME" ?

If yes, just try creating the connection with "TNSNAME" in the Instance parameter.


Thanks, it worked after updating the instance name to the TNSNAME only
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