Trying out PostGIS..
I have it installed, and running. (postgreSQL 9.0/postGIS 2.0). I am able to make connection inside ArcCatalog and can import tables (provided the db is lower case).
I can import .shp files via the PostGIS2.0 PostGIS Shapefile Import/Export Manager. Into a database which was constructed using the postGIS template db which installs as part of the the initial setup. Inside that db, there is only one schema "public".
Inside that schema there is a default table from the template "spatial_ref_sys" ( I thought I was good to go with only that table )
When I try to 'import' a single feature class I get an error... "DBMS table not found"... and "Spatial Type not installed in the db"
When I ran the Shapefile Import/Export Manager, I could upload a shapefile but could not preview it "The coordinate system identifier is invalid"
I am pretty sure I missed a step, or have something left to configure.
I can connect via ArcCatalog (so I have the 32bit for catalog) and can make a simple table, but nothing else yet.
Does anyone have a suggestion for getting the spatial system error resolved?