However, if you are using an ArcGIS for Desktop Standard license to edit the child replica's data, consider using personal ArcSDE as the target geodatabase.It all sounds good, until you go to search on "personal ArcSDE" (WITH the quotes). I can't find anything current. I looked over the DVD files, and I don't see any documentation. The links in this very old thread are 404. Suggestions?
update to the "All Collections" search filter.
More importantly though, I don't want a forum. I want an Esri help page where I can get some basic information about what they are, how they are licensed, what they are used for (vs other GDBs), and how they are created or installed.
The problem with the forums is all I'm seeing (when I use Search the forums on Personal ArcSDE with no quotes, but presumably NOT updating to All Collections, but still returning 1500 hits) is discussions of Personal Geodatabases where SDE is mentioned, and the few hits with Personal ArcSDE are unsolved problems (at least on the first page of 25 entries). I want an Esri help page with the title: Personal ArcSDE.
there is actually no real distinction between Personal, Workgroup, and Enterprise Geodatabases, ...