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New polygons do not draw correctly

01-10-2014 11:41 PM
New Contributor
Hi, I am currently drawing and tracing many unique polygons over a basemap of satellite imagery. However, every time I complete a polygon, the lines and borders come out all jagged or are generalized. I've tried changing the tolerance levels in both the editor and snapping options but nothing seems to work. I don't remember having this issue in 10.1 but 10.2 seems to be extremely unfriendly.

I've attached a photo of the before and after result.

If anyone else has has a similar problem and knows how to fix it, please let me know. Thanks!

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7 Replies
Deactivated User

Is your target feature class located in a personal geodatabase?  If so, is it possible that the resolution for this feature class (or feature dataset) is set at too large of a value?

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New Contributor
Hi Josh,

I am currently using a file geodatabase. Does that alter the resolution? And if so, how do I go about changing it?

Thank you,
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New Contributor
I found the resolution. It is set to decimal degrees at 0.000000001 but I am unable to change this.
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Deactivated User

My first impression is that since the target feature class has a resolution of .000000001, this probably should be fine and this is not the cause of the problem you are experiencing.

It appears that your target feature class is in Geographic Coordinates (maybe something like GCS_WGS_1984).  Is that correct?  If so, is the coordinate system for your ArcMap Data Frame in the same coordinate system? 

If it isn't, then as soon as you start editing your feature class you would typically get a warning stating "Spatial reference does not match data frame".   If this is the case, then perhaps this could be the problem.

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New Contributor
Hi Josh,

You are correct, the projection is GCS_WGS_1984. So is the data frame and I don't typically get a warning message as indicated.

What I did notice, however, is that my basemap layers are projected as the following:

Projected Coordinate System: WGS_1984_Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere
Projection: Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere

I don't typically have these layers "on" while in edit mode but could they potentially be the root cause of my troubles?
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Deactivated User

My guess would be that having your basemap layers in a different coordinate system should not make a difference - even if they are turned on/off. 

The only other thought would be to try a simple test:

1.  Open a brand new ArcMap session.
2.  Add your target feature class.
3.  Add the satellite imagery.
4.  Start an edit session and trying digitizing again.

If this still results in the strange behavior, then I think there may be something else causing the problem.  At least you'll have eliminated one avenue of investigation.  Hopefully someone else who might be monitoring this forum may have some other idea.

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New Contributor

I am seeking an advice as well regarding converting a simple polygon to a line feature. In the toolbox, as I hit the function, ArcMap is producing a message saying that "Unable to execute the selected tool. You do not have the necessary license to execute the selected tool".
Isn't this tool standard to ArcMap? If not what kind of license I need to run this tool?
Any suggestion or advice is appreciated
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