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NETcdf to raster layer - clip raster

05-12-2011 12:06 AM
New Contributor

I am at the moment working with TRMM precipitation data. I've downloaded files as NetCDF format and made them to raster in ArcMap.

I only need a specific area from the raster so I have clipped it using a shapefile of the area of interest. But when I do this my clipped raster does not have the same pixel values as the original raster anymore. Why is this? What am I doing wrong?

I would very much aprreciate some help on this!

Thank you,
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2 Replies
New Contributor
Hi Helena and comunity

I'm having the same problem!! to clip, to extract, or whatever.
The only extrange thing is that I worked with those images before and it didn't happen.

I'd like to know if you could solve the problem and how.

Please, I really need it soon.
Thanks in advance.


I am at the moment working with TRMM precipitation data. I've downloaded files as NetCDF format and made them to raster in ArcMap.

I only need a specific area from the raster so I have clipped it using a shapefile of the area of interest. But when I do this my clipped raster does not have the same pixel values as the original raster anymore. Why is this? What am I doing wrong?

I would very much aprreciate some help on this!

Thank you,
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New Contributor III

1. Use Extract by rectangle tool (Spatial analyst > Extraction) on the NetCDF raster layer, this works fine and gives the correct pixel values for the clipped output.


2. Export the NetCDF raster layer into a permanent raster and then use the clip tool this gives the correct pixel values for the output.

Thank You,

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