I'm using ArcGIS 10.1 & I'm trying to figure out the code or model to auto compress SDE database, rebuild indexes, analyze datasets & reboot once completed. Here's a breakdown:
MGSC Prod gis.sde (Wait for process to complete)
Indexes: MGSC Prod gis.sde (Wait for process to complete)
Datasets: MGSC Prod gis.sde (Wait for process to complete)
Reboot :PMOBGIS06 (Wait 5 Minutes)
Reboot :PMOBGIS05
(Process complete)
Thanks for you help
Hi Hunter,
Here is some code that you could use for the ArcPy operations that you are requesting.
Using Python scripting to batch reconcile and post versions
As for rebooting the machine, you may want to consult with the OS manual.
Hope this will get you going in the right direction......