So as the Title states I am looking at methods to move a set segmented polyline vertices for our waterlines to the location of our GPS Valves? I tried using the Snap Tool but it gets to carried away with which segment to use and messes with the waterline segments to much. I also have been trying to utilize the Geometric Network wizard with no luck. Is there a way to precisely change or move the vertices of this segmented set of lines to the new locations of the GPS Valves?
Did you try changing your snapping tolerance so that it doesn't "get carried away"?
yeah I did I am only trying small portion of the waterline and I measured the distance of the valves from the water line the range was from around 2 to 9 feet so I tried 10 feet first and it ended up forcing the line segments into single segments in some areas making a mess of the waterlines. so basically if you had a two segment line it would make it a single segment line.
Elizabeth after thinking about it for a while, i was wondering when you create a water network that has Valves connected to that network and you move a valve does the Waterline that is associated with that valve move as well.?