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Mosaic dataset problems

08-20-2011 08:38 PM
Occasional Contributor III
We would like to move over to ArcGIS Server and Desktop 10 but so far no luck getting mosaic datasets (the new image services) to work.  I am just trying to mosaic several contiguous blocks of tifs at this point and it does the first block but then won't let me any additional images.  It just gives me the generic 999999 message and Failed to execute (AddRastersToMosaicDataset).  I have tried adding a directory of them and tried adding a few individual ones but it just fails regardless.  Any ideas?

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8 Replies
Occasional Contributor III
Still trying to troubleshoot.  I have dropped down to just using 2 tiffs.  There shouldn't be anything simpler than that, but it still does not work.

The two randomly chosen tiffs are contiguous and it still has the same error with just two images.  I can load both initially and it will work, but if I load the first one and then try to add the second it fails.  Unfortunately it is not feasible to load them all at once because a) there are too many so I need to run in batches to keep track of the progress b) I don't even have all of it yet as it will be arriving in blocks at about a terrabyte per block. 

The failure message on trying to add the single additional image to the single image previously loaded in the mosaic dataset is:
Generating item [9 of 12]: 'Ov_i02_L03_R00000280_C0000011D.tif
Error 80042021: Could not generate item 'Ov_i02_L03_R00000280_C0000011D.tif
Error 80040213: Failed to create raster dataset

The only difference I see between this imagery from the rest is that it has 4 bands.  I have tried specifying the projection when loading the additional dataset but that did not help.  Apparently it is not the actual add process that fails but building the service overviews for the added image.
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Occasional Contributor III
Interesting.  It appears if I use the check box to build service overviews at the same time as adding the data it fails, but if you add the dataset to the original without building the service overviews, then do a Define Overviews with the defaults and then run Build Overviews manually and it works.  It is kind of strange that it will build service overviews the first time without running define overviews but not when you add to it.  Whatever... as long as I can get it done.
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New Contributor
I have the same problem, even when not building service overviews. Everything seems fine until it's done computing cell size ranges, and the next thing is simply Error 99999 Failed to execute (AddRastersToMosaicDataset).
Any ideas on where to even start troubleshooting would be much appreciated.
Thank you!
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Esri Regular Contributor

If you are having issues with creating the overviews based on your error message, then consider where you are  writing the overviews, by default it will be in the same directory as your file geodatabase.  If you do not have the room or if there is a file there of the same name, you can get those errors.  If you plan on splitting up the location of the overviews and the geodatabase, then use the Define Overviews tool to specify a new location of your choosing. 


That is an open ended error message.  Without more information there isn't really much to go on. Some of the reasons I have seen the process fail is that the rasters chosen cannot fit into the parameters set in the mosaic dataset.  So if you define a particular coordinate system and the added raster is either not defined and cannot fit (mosaic dataset is in WGS 1984 and the rasters are undefined but the spatial extent would be a number greater than 180 [the maximum a decimal degree can be]).  I would encourage you to create a Support Incident and have someone take a look at your workflow to help determine what is going on.
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Esri Contributor

I don't know if anyone ever followed up, but here is the issue and how to get around it:

Issue: If a raster's extent is beyond the extent of the Mosaic Dataset's coordinate system's extent, it will not be added, and produces the 999999 error.

Workaround: The offending raster needs to have a coordinate system, and then run the Clip tool (Raster toolbox under Data Management) with the Maintain Clipping Extent option checked (it is not by default).  You will need to define the extent coordinates to be within the extent of the coordinate system.  For example if the raster's right maximum coordinate is 180.000543 and the coordinate system is WGS_1984, which has a limit of 180.0, then you'll need to enter 179.999999 (I tried 180 and it didn't work).  The result was the correct number of columns and rows with all the data.

I asked Technical Support to log an enhancement to the Add Raster tool so it gives a useful error message.

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Occasional Contributor

What do you do if the data frame required exceeds the extent of the coordinate system? We are using state plane, and are on the border of north and south. The overlap on both sides is insufficient, and I' using the rasters in ArcPad, so the coordinate system must be the same. Can I project into say UTM and and then have the mosaic in SPS if a .sid exceeds the SPS extent? 

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Occasional Contributor III
I had forgotten about this thread as I had posted it in August of last year.  Other than the workarounds I posted in the thread which helped, after hundreds of hours of testing as well as shipping ESRI a hard drive and many hours of testing on their side, we determined that some of the data had been corrupted (possibly during the copy process).  There is around 14 TB of imagery in this dataset so lots of opportunities for corruption.  When the data was redelivered, most of the problems went away.  Also it was redelivered in smaller units - by parish (county for the rest of you) instead of block so I build the mosaic datasets by parish and was able to use the option to generate overviews during the initial add so everything worked out fine after that.  I did need to add the ArcGISSOC user to the image server machine so we could publish to ArcGIS server (image server extension) since we just switched from standalone image server but otherwise it has worked well since then.
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Occasional Contributor

I got the exact same errors in 10.2.2 where I had loaded a set of imagry and then needed to go back and add more tiles I kept getting the same errors as above. After trying numerous times to Define and Build the Overviews, I compressed the file geodatabase and then reran the Build Overviews by right clicking on the raster mosaic itself it worked.

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