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Mosaic Dataset One Solid Color!

06-11-2012 11:09 AM
New Contributor II
Hi, I have been using a couple mosaic datasets  of some satellite imagery for the last several months.  Yesterday I tried to zoom on the mosaics they started turning solid colors.  I have attached a screen shot for clarity.  It only happens when I zoom in past 1:1,500,000.  When I'm zoomed out beyond that some mosiacs are fine, others turn solid grey and others are combinations of solid colors.  The puzzling part is that I have been using these mosaics for months, zooming in and out with no problem, and suddenly this started happening.  The mosaic datasets have not been modified at all.  If anyone can help me out with this I would appreciate it. 


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3 Replies
Occasional Contributor III
Has the raster imagery used to create the mosaic dataset been moved/renamed/etc?  You can check the Repair option in the Catalog Window to get the path the data was loaded using and verify that it still exists in the same path.

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New Contributor II
Hi Patrick, thanks for your reply.  Yes, I realized that I created a folder in ArcCatalog and moved the original rasters in there to try and organize things a little better, bad idea. I could not find the Repair option in the Catalog window.  So I moved the rasters back where they originally were, but now I'm getting greyed out images at some scales and not others, seems kind of random.  Maybe I should I try the repair option.  If so, could you tell me how to access it?

Thanks for your help,

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Occasional Contributor III
Hi Graham,

In ArcMap, if you open the Catalog Window, you can navigate to the mosaic dataset and then right click on it.  You will see an option for Repair.  You should be able to do the same thing in ArcCatalog, so feel free to use that if you are more comfortable with it.  The repair options simply lets you take a path and change it to a new path.  Such as if you wanted to switch from absolute path to UNC path, you could do that there.  There is also an option to only show broken paths, so you could use that to check and make sure nothing is broken.  I would take a look at the Repairing paths in a mosaic dataset Help documentation also.

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