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Mosaic Dataset - Displays Perfect in ArcMap, but not as an Image Service

03-29-2011 11:14 AM
Emerging Contributor
I am currently testing creating a mosaic dataset out counties most recent aerial imagery.  I have a small mosaic dataset all set up with overviews which displays perfectly in ArcMap.  I can zoom through from 500,000 all the way in and can always see the imagery.  It has no trouble displaying both the overviews and the source images.  When I publish this out as an image service, and drop in it ArcMap, the overviews display fine, but once I zoom past 3,500, (I assume when it switches to the source imagery) all I see is monotone gray or blue (slightly different color for each tile).  This sounds like a statistics issue, but I created two identical mosaic datasets, one with statistics calculated on the dataset and one without, served them up and I see no difference.  Also if it were statistics, shouldn't ArcMap be doing the same thing?  I do have statistics calculated on the source images.  Any suggestions or ideas would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks.
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10 Replies
Deactivated User
Hi Eric,

Are the rasters you used to create the mosaic dataset on the network or in the same location as the geodatabase and overviews?.  If network, when you added the rasters to the mosaic dataset, did you use UNC path or absolute path?  Can you verify the ArcGISSOC user has access to the base data.

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Frequent Contributor
I guess I was a late :). Nonetheless see the attached for instructions.

It looks like you may be having a permissions issue.
In order to fix this you need to add the agsadmin group, ArcGISSOC and ArcGISSOM.

In some cases adding just the group does not resolve the issue.

To do this:

1) Right-click the folder that has the original imagery stored on it.
2) Properties
3) Select the security tab
4) Select "Add..."
5) Change the location to your server name (Locations...)
6) Advanced...
7) Click "Find Now"
😎 Add the agsadmin group, ArcGISSOC, and ArcGISSOM


Hope this helps.
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Emerging Contributor
Patrick - No, the source images are on a different server than the geodatabase and overviews.  Yes, I specifically used a UNC path when adding the data to the mosaic dataset.  Yes arcGISSOC has full permission on the shared folder that the source imagery is stored in.

Nelson - arcGISSOC already had permissions on the folder.  I added arcGISSOM to the permissions.  When I check names, it can not find agsadmin.

Even with the addition of the som account, it's still not working.  Thanks for your quick responses.
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Deactivated User
Can you try something for me.  Open ArcMap, then expand the Catalog window.  Navigate to the Mosaic dataset, right click on it and select Repair.  Next on the right hand side where is says Folder Paths Depth, increase this number.  Are any of the paths referencing a mapped network drive or are they all using UNC path?  If they are all UNC, are you using domain or local ArcGISSOC accounts?

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Emerging Contributor
There are only two paths listed, one for the overviews, and one for the source images.  Both use UNC paths.  Both the domain and local ArcGISSOC accounts have full permissions on the folder.  As a test, I made copies of the images the dataset is pointing to and I put them in a folder next to where the overviews are stored, so everything is on the same server.  After repairing the dataset to point to the new location and republishing the service, it worked great.  So it is defiantly a permissions issue on the file server.  We have a suspended ticket on a related image server issue.  I think we are going to re-open that to further work on this problem.
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Deactivated User
I would submit a new ticket, as the Image Server analysts aren't always that familiar with ArcGIS Server.  You mention using both domain and local ArcGISSOC users.  if you are using a local SOC user on the Server, and a domain SOC user on the machine where the data is, that is a potential problem.  I would either use domain on both machines, or local on both machines, not a mix.
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Occasional Contributor
Was there any resolution to your issue?  I have the exact same issue , and I have done all referenced permissions/UNC fixes and still nothing.

Any Update is appreciated
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Regular Contributor
Was there a solution to this problem??  We are having the same great on ArcMap..but once published and viewed as a REST services ... when you zoom in... it grays out..

Thanks for the help..

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New Contributor
Me too.  Anyone found a solution?
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