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Load data and preserve GlobalID values

12-18-2013 02:29 PM
Deactivated User

I am trying to load data from different File GeoDBs into SDE. They have the same schema with GlobalID column.
I referred the ESRI sample ( )  to change the GlobalID to GUID type. I followed approach 1 (Convert between GlobalID and GUID columns (approach 1).

As per the ESRI documentation , After the conversion I should be able to append/load data from FGDB with the existing GUID values.
Notes from the documentation,
"Once the columns are converted, you can copy the feature classes or tables, or start loading data.
If you are loading data, you can use data loading tools in ArcGIS, such as the append geoprocessing tool or the simple data loader in ArcCatalog. These tools can map source GUID and GlobalID columns to the target GUID column that you previously converted. They also support loading from any geodatabase source including file geodatabases and personal geodatabases."

But after converting the column to GUID type, the "Append tool" (executed manually with - NO_TEST option ) is populating "{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}" for all the records. "Load Data" (Object loader) tool is not showing the GUID field in field mapping dialogue.

   Append tool failed if "TEST" options is given
   The converted GUID field is not editable in AraMap.

Anyone has solution/suggestion for this issue?
Thanks ,
5 Replies
MVP Alum
Sounds like you're using 10.0 release based on the link / info you provided.  Are you using the C# method?  If so, I think you're running into a known bug, NIM076353, which is apparently addressed at the 10.2 release.  The bug report indicates it was found at 10.1, but my reading online tells me it started even before that.

Perhaps the VB.NET method would be an option for you; otherwise, upgrade to 10.2 if possible.
Deactivated User
Hi William,

Thanks for your response.
I am using ArcGIS 10.1 and C# language for developing the AddIn. I have also tried VBA code in 10.1. But no luck.
As you suggested, I tested the tool in ArcGIS 10.2 and I am getting the same results. It is population with "0" as GUID value.
I will also try to test it in VB.NET and let you know the results.

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Deactivated User
I have also tried VB.NET method to perform the task. But no luck.
Still getting "0000" as GUID.

Any suggestions ?

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MVP Alum
That behavior sounds like the bug to which I referred earlier, however to be sure you would need to contact Esri technical support and ask if the NIM is applicable to your configuration.  If the bug is the reason for what you're seeing, you may need to upgrade to 10.2 since that version apparently contains the fix.  In summary, my suggestion is to call Esri for verification so that you can be certain.
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Esri Regular Contributor
The bug is not applicable. The bug fix was in the 1.1 version of the file geodatabase API, not in ArcGIS Desktop 10.1.  You should contact ESRI Technical Support and work through the problem.
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