I would like to place labels along roads showing the range of the addresses. I don't want to label the range values at intersections but to use a preset value. Such as 500, 1000, 1500, etc. So if you were following "Smith Rd" along on the map you could see the range you were in. I need to do this for multiple jurisdictions thus several map books for which an automated process would be most valuable.
Since many addresses are milepoint based I had considered using various tools to create points along a line this but it doesn't work in part because many ranges don't start at zero and it won't handle block style address ranges.
Other option I considered is to use a table with the address ranges of each road and create fake addresses for each value I want. Eg. 500 Smith Rd, 1000 Smith Rd, 1500 Smith Rd etc. until the ranges available are exhausted. This table could then be geocoded and would create the point shp file I could use to label with. As you could imagine this is a very time consuming process doing a lot of sorting and cutting and pasting in Excel for each jurisdiction set I want to create.
A method to create points of pre-selected values along a line based on standard address range coding (Left From, Left To, Right From, Right To) would be most helpful.
Any guidance is very appreciated.
Example Cartographic Result Desired.
Do you have a field that has address already in, just not rounded to the block number? If you do you could use a label expression like below.
def FindLabel ( [FROMLEFT] ): a = float([FROMLEFT] ) return int(round(a,-2))
Thanks for the quick response Wes.
I think that would work if I only needed a label. However I don't believe it will place the Label in the correct position along the road. It will only label as to were I define that file to place labels relative the the line it is an attribute to.
I need something to generate a point file that will the specific labels to be placed in the correct location.