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Insert cursor: Shape.STArea() and Length not updating?

04-17-2020 02:02 PM
Frequent Contributor

Upon inserting a polygon (fgdb) into another polygon feature class (sde database), I've noticed that the inserted polygon has null for Shape.STArea() and Shape.STLength(). I thought these were supposed to be automatically calculated and updated upon inserting any shape using any method. Is that not the case? Do I need to take Shape_Area and Shape_Length, put them in my row, and then insert those values as Shape.STArea and Length?

ArcMap 10.7

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3 Replies
Frequent Contributor

I don't have an answer to my question, but I'm just going to use append which is probably a more proper way to do it anyway.

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MVP Frequent Contributor

I think you could copy across just the SHAPE@ token and it would contain those attributes, but that's really just a guess. Or try running calculate geometry.

New Contributor

@DavidPike is correct.  Using 'Shape@' instead of  'Shape' as the fieldname lets cursors know it is a geometry.

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