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How to select 'Days of the week' from 'Day From' and'Day to'

08-07-2011 06:32 PM
New Contributor
Hi ,

I have table with fields 'Day from' and 'Day to' in it. Now I want to select just Days of the week so that I can map crime by days of the week. How to select that in Attribute table. Is there any other way of doing this?
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3 Replies
Esri Esteemed Contributor
What product are you using?

Is the dataset in a database? Which one?

As a rule, time fields are difficult to process as-is, especially when you get to the
"within two hours of local dawn" kinds of queries.

- V
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New Contributor
I am a student of UCR and using ArcGIS 10.0.
I was querying the attribute table of 'aug_06' shapefile by 'selection by attribute' don't know if that's the right way.
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New Contributor
This table contains data of crime (including day from,day to,date from,date to and address) and I want to know "How many crimes have the day of the week recorded/Not recorded?"
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