I have multiple geo referenced scanned maps from the 1950's, Like 60 of them.
I need to clip some white space off the edges so I can apply a fishnet.
So the main question is I have a 50k nts grid where the maps sit perfectly within each grid tile, When i try to clip the map to the grid it does nothing because it is reading the outside border of the nts grid. how would i get the clip to read each individual grid tile for a clip?
can you try and format your code to make it readable...
The point about making a mosaic is that you don't have to do all this clipping.
No extra time and no extra disk space.
import arcpy
from arcpy import env
from arcpy.sa import *
arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True
# Set the current workspace
arcpy.env.workspace = "Q:\\josephplessis\\GIS 307 Resource Managment\\Project\\Mapsheets\\soil"
Dir = "Q:\\josephplessis\\GIS 307 Resource Managment\\Project\\Mapsheets\\ClippedMaps"
GRID="Q:\\josephplessis\\GIS 307 Resource Managment\\Project\\Geodatabases\\Grid_points.gdb\\GRID"
GRIDlyr=arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(GRID, "GRIDlyr")
# Get and print a list of TIFs from the workspace
rasters = arcpy.ListRasters("*")
for raster in rasters:
print raster
name = Dir + "\\" +"clp_"+ str(raster)
print name
arcpy.RasterDomain_3d(raster, "in_memory/temp", "POLYGON")
# Process: Central Feature
arcpy.MeanCenter_stats("in_memory/temp", "in_memory/temp1")
# Process: Select Layer By Location
arcpy.SelectLayerByLocation_management(GRIDlyr, "intersect", "in_memory/temp1", "", "NEW_SELECTION")
# Clip Raster
arcpy.Clip_management(raster,"#", name,GRIDlyr, "#", "ClippingGeometry")
# Delete in_memory
print "processing " + raster + " complete..."
print "All processing is now finished"