Hey guys,
I`m looking for help for a small Arcmap-problem. I`m trying a spatial join between point and polygon data. If I try the way to add the polygons to the points, it works, but it keeps the point layout (I want the polygon layout). If I try the way to add the points to the polygons, one point is added to one polygon, but there are more points, which should be added to the same polygon, but they are lost.
Can somebody help me? I would appreciate it very much!
Best wishes,
Look at this:
Thank you very much for your hint, I tried it, but it still does not work. Also your description says it CAN contain duplicated records, which means in my case it can not
Do you know a way how to trick the system?
Thanks a lot?
If you don't want a one-to-one relationship, then you are looking for a many-to-one relationship which is called a 'relate'
Thank you very much, I found a way to do it!
If not of the above provided the answer, can you tell us what did?
I spoke to my supervisor and we decided that the join of the polygon to the points is sufficient for my analysis!
Sorry for this individual answer...
Hi all,
I'm a bit late to the show, but I came across this issue myself and wanted to find a way.
You could join multiple point data field information to a single polygon, for example join all the cities in a country to the single country polygon.
1) Spatial Join in toolbox
Setup as image shows
2) Now the most important part. On the city name field right click > properties > adjust the merge rule from the default 'first' to 'join' and add a delimiter ','
NOTE - make sure the field length will be long enough to take the data (can be increased in same window)
3) This will append all the city names (point data) to the polygon separated by the delimiter we provided.
Hope this helps somebody!
This has been super helpful! Thanks!