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The connection string is spelt your database name as 'MAYLAPPY' instead of MYLAPPY !
sorry ,
i changed and checked but still getting same error
Can you just login from SQLPlus and post a screenshot of that. Don't post your passwords!
I was talking about SQLPLUS in cmd, but anyways, ArcGIS Desktop being a 32-bit application needs a 32-bit Oracle Client. You mentioned that you have both the 64-bit and 32-bit Oracle Client this should not be an issue.
Just try these strings and check if it makes any diff:
i tried all the combinations... servername/servicename
I am not sure if this was addressed or not but have you installed the Oracle 11g client?
i have installed 11gr2 release oracle client
ArcMap is a 32-bit application and you need to install the 32-bit version of Oracle client drivers like Oracle Instant client.
Then you need to add both the 64-bit and 32-bit oracle clients in your system path. 64-bit path first and followed by the 32-bit Oracle bin in the path.
You need to re-start ArcMap before attempting to connect so it can pick up the updated path variable.
I can work with you on this in a meeting.
You can contact me at
Hope this helps.
Thank you,
Jim Gough.
Thnaks sir,
now i am able to connect database.