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Group listener for Database is not connecting

02-25-2014 11:44 AM
by Anonymous User
Not applicable
Original User: saurabhp5


I am facing this very critical issue.
Issue Description:

I have 2 database server PRD1 & PRD2  with group listener for them as PRD.  ( GSMIDBPRD  instead of GSMIDBPRD1 and GSMIDBPRD2 in place of server name)

I am able to connect to the database(TESTDB) using this listener with SQL Server management studio.  (Image 1)[ATTACH=CONFIG]31739[/ATTACH]

I am also able to create database connection in ArcCatalog for this group Listener PRD.   (Image 2) [ATTACH=CONFIG]31740[/ATTACH]

But when i am trying to register database with this group listener for ArcGIS server in catalog to connect to the database its throwing error

" The connection property set was missing a required property or the property value was unrecognized.  Failure to access the DBMS server]"

PS: 1. Database on Database Server is : Microsoft SQL Server 2012 (SP1) - 11.0.3393.0 (X64)
Enterprise Edition (64-bit) on Windows NT 6.1 <X64> (Build 7601: Service Pack 1) (Hypervisor)

      2. SQL server native client 11.0 is installed on my local system and ArcGIS server.

Please suggest what needs to be done. Or if i am missing any thing while registering the database into ArcGIS Server.


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9 Replies
MVP Alum
The Server Name in your first screenshot shows GSMIDBLPRD, but the Instance value in your second screenshot shows GSMIDBPRD (missing the "L").  Which is correct?  Also, what's the name of the actual SQL Server instance?  I am guessing it is MSSQLSERVER. 

For the ArcGIS connection properties window, try inputting the following syntax:

HOSTNAME\INSTANCENAME which translates to GSMIDBLPRD\MSSQLSERVER or GSMIDBPRD\MSSQLSERVER depending on which hostname spelling is correct.

Also, it may not matter, but I am seeing a different username for both screenshots: prd vs iprd.
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by Anonymous User
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Original User: saurabhp5

Hi crafty ,
Thanks for your reply.
Sorry for those screenshots.those server name and username i have edited while taking  screenshot . that's why they are mismatching.

I am able to create database connection with below instance :
gsmidbsqlprd\MSSQLSERVER;MultiSubnetFailover=true;Connect Timeout=120

but not with
gsmidbsqlprd\MSSQLSERVER;MultiSubnetFailover=true;Connect Timeout=120

as you suggested.

after creation of this connection i am not able to register the database with ArcGIS Server (database connection as mentioned above with listener name GSMIDBSQLPRD instead of actual database server name GSMIDBSQLPRD01/GSMIDBSQLPRD02).

Please provide your input.

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MVP Alum
If you are receiving the same error as before when trying to register the connection with ArcGIS Server, then perhaps the issue is with adding the ;MultiSubnetFailover=true;Connect Timeout=120 text to your HOSTNAME\INSTANCENAME connection string.  I do not think ArcGIS supports the passing of those parameters in the Instance field.  What happens when you try removing them and ONLY use HOSTNAME\INSTANCENAME in the Instance field?
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by Anonymous User
Not applicable
Original User: saurabhp5

Hi Crafty,

I tried creating database connection with  HOSTNAME\INSTANCENAME (removed  ;MultiSubnetFailover=true;Connect Timeout=120) but its failing.

but when i am using hostname;MultiSubnetFailover=true;Connect Timeout=120  and creating database connection it is getting connected. 
PS: Both the database server(GSMIDBSQLPRD1 and GSMIDBSQLPRD2 are at diff location so using Timeout and multisubnetfailover to escape timeout while connection)

rest of the issue is as it is.

I dnt know how to get rid of it. I am stuck. 😞
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MVP Alum
PS: 1. Database on Database Server is : Microsoft SQL Server 2012 (SP1) - 11.0.3393.0 (X64)
Enterprise Edition (64-bit) on Windows NT 6.1 <X64> (Build 7601: Service Pack 1) (Hypervisor)

The thing that interests me is the Hypervisor, are you running the database on a Virtual Machine? Although you should probably be able to run this, I think ESRI recommends against this configuration for true production environments. I also don't know (I don't have experience with it), if there are special configuration issues when running the database on a virtual machine, but I wouldn't be surprised there are...

Maybe someone else with experience with this configuration will be able to help you out.
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by Anonymous User
Not applicable
Original User: crafty762

If the connection succeeds with those additional parameters, then clearly the issue is with registering the connection with Server as you mentioned.  What about trying to perform the registration via the Administrator Directory?  Under Home > Data > registerItem at http://<FQDN>:6080/arcgis/admin/data/registerItem you can input the information pertaining to your enterprise geodatabase.  The input syntax is not very well covered in the API Reference, but visit http://<FQDN>:6080/arcgis/admin/www/doc/index.html and navigate to the Data > Register Data Item section from the left-hand side for more information.  The example shown is for registering a shared folder, but you can modify it for an enterprise geodatabase.  I hope this helps.  If not, you may need to open a ticket with Esri to understand why connections succeed by registration with AGS does not.
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New Contributor
Hi ,

I have removed the Listener(GSMIDBLPRD) and now using Mirroring. Now its working.

I am using GSMIDBSQLPRD01;MIRROR=GSMIDBSQLPRD02 as Instance while registering database to ArcGIS Server.
     (GSMIDBSQLPRD01 & GSMIDBSQLPRD02 are two database server)

I have also tried upgrading ArcGIS with latest version 10.2.1 from 10.2. and surprisingly i was able to register database with Listener name only.

Now i am not sure if 10.2 does not support Listener name as instance or there is any other issue while registering database.

would like to have some input on this.

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by Anonymous User
Not applicable
Original User: crafty762

Glad you got things working.  I don't have any input on the question you're asking, but perhaps someone from Esri would be able to comment on this specific configuration.
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New Contributor

I appreciate your help crafty.
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