I am trying to Geo code a bunch of African addresses some of them have p.o boxes, street names and place names. I click on the Geo-coding option and under multiple fields, i enter the address, zip(post box number), country and city, but gives me a message saying "There was an error trying to process the table, ARCGIS online subscription is required, which i already have as im connected to ARCGIS Online, Any suggestions would be great.
Are you using a public ArcGIS Online account or an ArcGIS Online subscription? The geocoding service requires an ArcGIS Online subscription in order to consume credits for the service.
Public vs. Subscription Accounts:
Thanks for your response, i had signed up for an ESRI Global account(www.arcgis.com), as i am using the software for non commercial use. I cant figure out if its pubic as i have an icon at the bottom of my screen which says connected to ARCGIS Online.
You have to pay (subscription) for this service with credits