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Fix the value units from a raster in the table of contents

06-25-2010 06:37 AM
New Contributor
I want to know if there's a way to fix the value units from a raster, in the table of contents window, and save it with the project. I want to see the units of my raster file which I wrote on the value filed, but if I close the project and open it again the units will disappear from the table of contents window repalced with the work 'value'. I try to fix it with no success. Somebody knows how to fix it?
Thanks, sau
0 Kudos
2 Replies
Esri Contributor
Hi Sau,

I do not quite understand your question.  Do you mean that you are typing in a label (within your stretched renderer)?  If so, which version of ArcGIS are you using?  There was a bug in which the label was not properly being saved.  I beleive this was fixed in ArcGIS 9.3.1sp1. 

If you were trying something else, please help me understand your issue a bit more.
If you are using ArcGIS 9.3.1sp1, and are still having this issue, please contact technical support.

Simon W.
0 Kudos
New Contributor
Hi Simon,
You 're absolutely right, I run the sp1 and now it's working perfectly 🙂 Thanks a Lot, regards from Portugal, Sau

Hi Sau,

I do not quite understand your question.  Do you mean that you are typing in a label (within your stretched renderer)?  If so, which version of ArcGIS are you using?  There was a bug in which the label was not properly being saved.  I beleive this was fixed in ArcGIS 9.3.1sp1. 

If you were trying something else, please help me understand your issue a bit more.
If you are using ArcGIS 9.3.1sp1, and are still having this issue, please contact technical support.

Simon W.
0 Kudos