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Field Calculator does not work on fields with domain

08-24-2012 09:00 AM
Deactivated User
I am trying to update the values in a field that is controlled by a domain. The field calculator will not put ANY value into the target field regardless if it matches a valid value for the field. Then, after the field calculator fails on the domain-controlled field, it won't enter values for any other fields either until I stop the edit session and start a new edit session. I get no error message, it just simply doesn't do anything.

I am using an ArcInfo license in ArcGIS Desktop 10 SP4 on a personal geodatabase.
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7 Replies
Deactivated User
Try some Quotes around the Domain entry.
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Regular Contributor
I had a similar issue. I had two Sde tables joined on [field1] which had a domain value. What I found was that a joined table will not let you edit data if that join is on any field which has a domain. Either join the table on an alternative field or remove the domain then try your edits. Almost as if the join expects an absolute/unique value instead of a choice of values perhaps..?
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Emerging Contributor
You could try to calculate the coded value as opposed to the descriptive value.

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Deactivated User
Thanks for the suggestions... Unfortunately still stumped. Adding quotes did not work, it is not a joined table, and I have tried both the coded value and the descriptive value.
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Deactivated User
I'm surprised the Quotes doesn't work. I generally don't use Personal FGD, but I created one for a test and it worked as I thought.

Could you try 'Selection' by 'attributes' and see how your domain reacts in the 'get unique values' part of the query.

Also I have seen problems field calculating while ArcCatalog & ArcMap are open at the same time.
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Frequent Contributor
This is a little late, but you have to enter the domain code (e.g. AB) in quotations.  Trying to calculate by entering the domain description (e.g. As-Built) won't work.
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Honored Contributor
There is something else wrong in your system.

I do this quite often and it works without issue.

However, yes you should use the coded value and the the descriptive value.

Do this happen to all features or just this one?

You may simply need to rebuild the feature class and load data back into it to clear out the error.

Or you could select your features and then change the values en mass in the Attributes Window.
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