I edited a feature class in a File GDB using ArcGIS 10.2 (renamed a column in ArcCatalog, recalculated field values, etc), then I closed the mxd.
Then the mxd couldn't be opened ("ArcGIS Desktop has encountered a serious application error and is unable to continue").
And the feature class I edited couldn't be loaded and couldn't be double clicked ("ArcGIS Desktop has encountered a serious application error and is unable to continue").
There is only "copy" shown by right click the feature class (but nothing can be copied).
What to do to access this feature class?
Solved! Go to Solution.
Its Fixed. Holly I think it may have been something to do with the create features element of the MXD itself. The data copied over and was rebuilt - no trouble. I was able to place it in a new geodatabase and then test edit it in a newly created MXD. I included a shapefile output as well - just in case there are additional problems. Now you'll always have the geometry.
Sometime the old ways are the best way
You can try to recover the fild GDB with the Recover File Geodatabase Tool.
Ian...with the issue with geonet right now, your link goes to the main help doc....10.3 versions seems to work ok if you can find the equivalent ...or show the text. I would like to read about this tool too.
I posted the bare url, copy paste should do fine.
Here is the newest url for this tool
Thanks Robert,
What the best way to find tool help for 10.3, I know google searching with the tool name and arcgis 10.3 turned up nothing for me, where as the same search with 10.2 brought up the link as the first result. I'm still on 10.2, but for referencing for people who need 10.3 documentation, I find it a pain.
The whole format of online help has changed but for Desktop here is the main link:
Recover File Geodatabase Tool doesn't work, resulting empty for that feature class.
I once had a problem with a file geodatabase caused when I tried to compact it. As the recovery tool has failed for you, this is worth at least a look?
There is no *tmp.* (Method 1).
Method 2 didn't work for me too.
Below is the crushed feature class in a file GDB.