I edited a feature class in a File GDB using ArcGIS 10.2 (renamed a column in ArcCatalog, recalculated field values, etc), then I closed the mxd.
Then the mxd couldn't be opened ("ArcGIS Desktop has encountered a serious application error and is unable to continue").
And the feature class I edited couldn't be loaded and couldn't be double clicked ("ArcGIS Desktop has encountered a serious application error and is unable to continue").
There is only "copy" shown by right click the feature class (but nothing can be copied).
What to do to access this feature class?
Solved! Go to Solution.
Just looking at your screen shot I would never have used the file path naming convention you have used! You have a long folder name with multiple hyphens and spaces. Try copying the file geodatabase folder (Data_1.gdb) with windows explorer to say a much simpler folder structure like c:\temp and see if you can open/recover it from there?
There was no problem working in the same place for 2 weeks.
And I tried copying the file geodatabase folder (Data_1.gdb) to:
Not working.
This may seem unorthodox, but you can try to export out the FBGDB to a different format such as personal geodatabase, then reimport back to your edit environment. Ditch the old MXD and start fresh with the new copy. Worst case scenario is that you disassociate the geometry with the tabular data into different database elements and then join them back together and export to build a new clean copy. We used to have to do this with corrupted ArcINFO coverages in 7.x era. It is ugly - but you don't loose your content.
Best of luck.
I am wondering if you could repaired the feature class (I can send it to you. about 1937 records)?
I would love to as a private citizen, but I cannot in my role at the government. Send it to me as a zip file and I’ll take a look in off my hours.
Ross Paul Martin – County GIS Manager
Cell 858-334-3829
Its Fixed. Holly I think it may have been something to do with the create features element of the MXD itself. The data copied over and was rebuilt - no trouble. I was able to place it in a new geodatabase and then test edit it in a newly created MXD. I included a shapefile output as well - just in case there are additional problems. Now you'll always have the geometry.
Sometime the old ways are the best way
It is great!
Thank you soooooooooooo much!
It is not the mxd problem. The feature class couldn't be loaded or double click or right click in ArcCatalog.
I don't think I can do this: "The data copied over and was rebuilt - no trouble".