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Extract Data Tool/Wizard not available in arcpy

10-23-2015 01:21 PM
Regular Contributor

Why is the Extract Data Wizard not accessible through arcpy under the standard license, just like every other tool in the Distributed Geodatabase toolset? Why would i need the Production Mapping license in order to use a tool that is available with the Advanced license in ArcMap?

6 Replies
Honored Contributor

According to the help, none of the Distributed Geodatabase Tools are available without the Production Mapping License.

Production Mapping toolbox licensing—Help | ArcGIS for Desktop

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You have misinterpreted the help document. This link shows that two tools require the Production Licence: Create Replica and Extract Data. Other tools do not require the license.

This doesn't answer my question, which is admittedly somewhat rhetorical. I don't expect ESRI to explain the business case for this decision, admit this is a bad idea and quickly move these tools under the core licencing model. Although, that is exactly what should happen.

I'm not sure the help doc you linked is even accurate. Create Replica might be available without the Production Mapping licence. Extract Data has been tested and does require Production Mapping. ps im at 10.3.1

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MVP Emeritus

As Ian mentioned, it is a licensing issue.  What are you trying to do exactly?  Have you looked at other tools like clip, or something in the Toolboxes\System Toolboxes\Data Management Tools.tbx\Package toolbox?  There may be other ways to get the job done. They just may take a couple more steps.

Regular Contributor

This certainly is a licensing issue. My question is directly related to licensing and is intended for an ESRI representative.

There are half measures available to get part of the job done. While I appreciate your response these methods are not focus of my question.

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MVP Emeritus

Phil, you will have to contact tech support directly since they don't moderate, nor generally follow GeoNet.

Also, at the bottom of each help topic  such as the Production Mapping Link​ there is a Feedback on this Topic link that will at least get  in contact with the people that write the documentation should it be in error or misleading because of omissions.

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Regular Contributor

Thanks Dan. I appreciate these ideas.

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