...it seems to happen when a shapefile is converted from CAD. I would select the wrong feature and delete it, after checking attributes and so forth. You may discover that there are a lot of duplicates throughout though.
In version 10 you can just set your snapping up double click the feature (in editing mode of course) and move the vertex until it snaps with your double circle feature.Thankfully, we're supposed to be getting 10.0 sometime this summer.
afogarty;109556 wrote:
As a matter of fact, it was converted from CAD! At least now I know why it happens like that (thanks!). As you can see in this new attachment, the attributes are mostly the same except for the source field at the far right. Is there any reason that could be an issue?
Who knows why it did that. I would attempt to contact the source of the data. Personally, I'd strip out anything CAD related and only keep the pertinent attribute information. The CAD world is a WHOLE lot different than GIS, I don't care what people say: CAD is for engineering, design, survey and GIS is for mapping. Trying to put them together is like putting a square peg in a round hole.
Ideally recreating the lines from scratch would be best but even in my relatively small jurisdiction, it would be a nightmare ensuring the attributes were correct in the new file.