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Exporting from Image Service

12-16-2012 12:03 AM
New Contributor II
I have an image service with its property set to  download (50 records) plus its rows and columns set to 20000. What I want to do is allow the user to download just the pan sharpened image of what is in his window (1:50000), not the raw imagery.  I right click on the layer and  click export data. I set the extent to data frame and check the Use Renderer Force RGB options. I then set the output location to a directory on my local drive. I am trying to create either a tif or img file. The exporter runs in less than 5 minutes. The file is under 2 gig. When the image is added to the map, it is all black. Any advice would be appreciated.

Bruce Burwell
Saudi Aramco
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1 Reply
New Contributor II
I forgot to mention that I am using ArcMap 10.1 with SP1.
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