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Export multiple feature classes to CAD with layers

04-06-2014 10:21 PM
Emerging Contributor
Dear all,

I was just wondering if anyone has come to a problem where they wanted to export multiple line, point and polygon feature classes from ESRI to a dxf file but for it to be able to maintain the layer specification.

If i try and use the system toolbox to export to DXF i get a new DXF file for each of the feature classes.

My users have started complaining for this and have asked if its possible to get a single DXF file in which one can control the layers to be turned on/off.

Is this possible?

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2 Replies
Deactivated User
Which tool are you using? Export to CAD takes a list of feature classes as input and outputs a single CAD file.
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Frequent Contributor

Is there a way to export several feature classes to several new .dwgs instead of just a single .dwg?

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