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Error: ???synchronize replica failed???,

01-02-2014 09:40 PM
by Anonymous User
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Error: �??synchronize replica failed�?�,

I wanted synchronize the data from enterprise geodatabase to file geodatabase with replica name that has previously created but I got the message below:


What might be the issue here?

Thank you


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to update:

I downgraded a workstation to version 10.1 and the replica synchronized successfully.  After this successful synchronization, I tried again from the 10.2 client, and it worked (but no changes to transfer).  I then added a record to the parent geodatabase so there would be changes to transfer, and synchronization from 10.2 was successful.

There are two replicas related to this data--one is a file geodatabase, the other is an SDE geodatabase, both one-way.  The same issue presents in both.

Thanks for the input Marianne


Jamal Numan
Geomolg Geoportal for Spatial Information
Ramallah, West Bank, Palestine
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by Anonymous User
Not applicable
Original User: MLF

You are welcome.  I have just logged this with Esri Support, and if it proves to be a bug, will update the thread with a NIM.
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