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error reading fme data in arcmap

07-06-2010 04:38 AM
New Contributor
I am getting the following message if I try to add a .gml file:

This dataset appears to be invalid. Please verify that your settings or file contents are correct, and try again.

What happens next is I am getting a 'NoGeometry' featureclass with nothing(empty).

I have also adressed this problem with FME Safe software, but still no proper answer.

Anyone any idea?
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7 Replies
Occasional Contributor
Do you know what version of GML you are trying load? What ArcGIS version are you using (9.3,9.3.1..etc)
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New Contributor
Sorry for the delay.

I am using ArcGIS version 9.3.1.
I have no idea what version of the gml I have received.
"NL.IMRO.1896.BP0014-OW01.gml" that is the file(name).
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New Contributor

I am getting the same error as the initial poster. But I get it when accessing a file in INTERLIS format (.itf/.ili). The data is displayed correctly when opened in FME Universal Viewer.

Are there any news concerning this problem?
Is ArcGIS and/or FME writing a log file where I could find hints about the error?

My environment:
Windows 7 x64
ArcGIS 9.3.1 SP2 (build
FME 2010 SP4 (build 6235)

Thank you for any hints.

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Occasional Contributor
I have encountered this issue when I was trying to read an unsupported GML version. For example when trying to read in a GML file that was 3.2 when the highest supported version of GML in DataInterop 10 is GML 3.1. If you look at the header file in the GML it will tell you the version. See example below:

<?xml version="1.0"?><gml:FeatureCollection xmlns="" xmlns:gml="".......

Also, it might need the Application Schema (.xsd) if this is a different flavor of GML.

Stefan- When I look at the supported formats in the Format Gallery for Data Interop, I do not see INTERLIS format (.itf/.ili) there. Did you extend FME to ArcGIS in the FME Administrator?

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New Contributor
Stefan- When I look at the supported formats in the Format Gallery for Data Interop, I do not see INTERLIS format (.itf/.ili) there. Did you extend FME to ArcGIS in the FME Administrator?


Hi Sean

Yes, I extended FME to ArcGIS. Otherwise the additional supported formats (e.g. .itf/.xtf/.ili) would not have been visible as datasets in ArcCatalog.

In addition to this, the name of the extension in ArcGIS is changed from 'Data Interoperability' to 'FME Extension for ArcGIS' when extending FME to ArcGIS in FME Administrator (see attachment).

INTERLIS format is part of FME standard installation since FME 2007, according to FMEpedia ( So it should be available in your Format Gallery.

I can provide you with an example dataset in INTERLIS, if needed.

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Occasional Contributor
Sure if you can attached a sample that would be great. What version of FME Desktop are you using?

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New Contributor
After investigating another error related to FME and updating my environment accordingly, I am now able to preview INTERLIS Data in ArcCatalog correctly. I cannot tell where the error was but describe my setup for reference below:

Windows 7 x64 SP1
ArcGIS 9.3.1 SP2 (build
FME 2011 SP2 (20110516 - Build 6523 - WIN32)
ili2fme 5.3.3 (find the latest version here)
Java Runtime Environment 1.6.0_26

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