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Error Geoprocessing DefineProject - Project - DATA INTERO v10.2

03-27-2014 10:16 AM
Occasional Contributor
By working with version 10.1 and version 10.2 we are finding different to make the process of migration from DGN to SHP results.
Define project in PSAD 56 and then project to change the projection to WGS84
with the appearance of negative coordinates (in 10.2), which makes us have to use the extension DataInterOperability that until version 10.1 was not necessary.
Some can give a range of the same?
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2 Replies
Esri Notable Contributor
Can you give some more information? What are the input and output coordinate systems? WGS84 will have negative longitude values, but I think you may be using a projected coordinate system (like a UTM zone)?

Are you setting a geographic/datum transformation? Is you are, which one are you using?

Can you do the re-projection in ArcMap and have the CAD data display correctly?

If you convert to shapefile but keep it as PSAD56, does that conversion work correctly?

I don't work with DGN files--is it created in a particular version?

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Occasional Contributor
esri has informed me about this case that has been reported as NIM094291
The extent of data created in MicroStation DGN files is not correctly calculated in ArcMap
10.2, causing the data to be displayed in the wrong location.

fixed in 10.2.2 comming soon.

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