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error 000099 running compress on versioned SDE with edits to default version only

06-19-2014 03:22 AM
Occasional Contributor
I have an SDE versioned database but we are only using the default version so no reconcile and posting necessary, but I still need to compress the database periodically. If I run the compress straight out of toolbox I don't have any issues, but I want to run the compress nightly so I don't have to kick all my editors out and if I drag compress into modelbuilder and try to run it I get error code 000099:the dataset cannot be compressed. what's going on? I really need this as a scheduled task.
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8 Replies
Frequent Contributor
I have an SDE versioned database but we are only using the default version so no reconcile and posting necessary, but I still need to compress the database periodically. If I run the compress straight out of toolbox I don't have any issues, but I want to run the compress nightly so I don't have to kick all my editors out and if I drag compress into modelbuilder and try to run it I get error code 000099:the dataset cannot be compressed. what's going on? I really need this as a scheduled task.

Why do you have it versioned if you are not using any versions?
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Occasional Contributor
To allow multi-user editing, but without all the overhead of administering reconciling and posting.
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Frequent Contributor
Are you using an Enterprise SDE? (MS SQL, Oracle, etc) I'm guessing that all your editors are then editing directly to the DEFAULT version, correct? If so, you can still do multi-user editing without making the database versioned. The edits will then be last one in wins.
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Occasional Contributor
Yes, technically, it's not versioned because it moves the edits to base, but regardless I still need to compress my database (it's SQL) and it's not working if I try to run it through model builder.  Why? It's the same tool and it works fine, if I run it straight out of toolbox.
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Frequent Contributor
Do you have any replicas created against the data?
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Occasional Contributor
No, no replica's
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Frequent Contributor
What version of Arc and DBMS?
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Occasional Contributor
I contacted tech support and apparently I needed an add-in installed.

Please see the below if any ones else has this same issue.

1. Download the from the website.

2. Typically the next step is to unzip the file and save it to the location of your choice. In this case, the customer picked the open option and so the file was automatically unzipped and the bin folder was loaded directly on your machine.

3. Double Click on the addin_assistant.exe file from within the bin folder.

4. The Add-in Wizard will open.
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