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Enable Archiving Fail

04-15-2014 03:24 PM
Emerging Contributor
The error I keep getting is
Failed to enable archiving. Invalid column data type.

Setup is: ArcGIS Desktop; SDE Enterprise Geodatabase 10.2.0; Oracle

I am trying to enable archiving on nonversioned data using 10.2.0. (and failing miserably). It is possible according to online help (LINK). I can't find anything describing this as an added feature for 10.2.1 or 10.2.2 (or a known bug in 10.2.0).

Any thoughts?
8 Replies
Esri Esteemed Contributor
Since it's complaining about column types, please provide a list of the columns with types.  Be sure to specify which one is the registered rowid, and whether it's SDE-set or USER-set. -V
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Emerging Contributor
The error happens even when I create a new FC accepting all of the defaults:

Name                                      Null?    Type
----------------------------------------- -------- ----------

OBJECTID                                  NOT NULL NUMBER(38)
SHAPE                                              NUMBER(38)

no frills here... OBJECTID is the reg'd rowid (SDE-set of course), and SHAPE is the geometry.
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Emerging Contributor
...just did the same test using a config keyword to create SDO_GEOMETRY and the archive seems to have completed normally...

 Name                                      Null?    Type
 ----------------------------------------- -------- --------------------

 OBJECTID                                  NOT NULL NUMBER(38)
 SHAPE                                              MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY
 SE_ANNO_CAD_DATA                                   BLOB
 GDB_FROM_DATE                             NOT NULL TIMESTAMP(6)
 GDB_TO_DATE                               NOT NULL TIMESTAMP(6)
 GDB_ARCHIVE_OID                           NOT NULL NUMBER(38)
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Esri Esteemed Contributor
ST_GEOMETRY should be the default storage type by now.

- V
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Emerging Contributor
Guess we'll call this one solved.

The geometry column was the culprit. When default config key was used the field was being defined as a NUMBER(38), likely holding compressed binary, without versioning, nonversioned archiving did not like this field type.

Tried the same with SDO_GEOMETRY and ST_GEOMETRY and nonversioned archiving apparantly works.
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Frequent Contributor
Thanks for this post.  I was getting the same error when trying to enable archiving on a feature dataset that isn't versioned.  I had some feature classes in there that were created at 10.0 or earlier so their geometry type was SDEBINARY.  Confirming that the GEOMETRY_STORAGE parameter is set to GEOMETRY (SQL server) for the DEFAULTS keyword in the SDE_bdtune table, and then using the Migrate Storage geoprocessing tool with the DEFAULTS keyword fixed the issue for me.
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Deactivated User
I've done the same tests as Glen (in both 10.2 and 10.2.1 Geodatabases) and see the same results (works with GEOMETRY & fails when I try it with a vanialla SDEBINARY fc). Difference being that I want my dataset to be stored as SDEBINARY. The help for 10.2/10.2.1/10.2.2 only says: "Geodatabase archiving is now supported on tables that are not registered as versioned" - no mention of storage types so I was under the impression that this would work for all available storage types.

Is this supposed to be working with SDEBINARY or not?


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Esri Contributor
This has been logged as a documentation enhancement as non-versioned archiving is supported on tables and sql spatial types such as SQL Server Geometry\ST_GEOMETRY\SDO_geometry but not older geometry types such as SDEBINARY\SDELOB:

NIM102878 - The "Enabling archiving on nonversioned data" section of the link below doesn't highlight the unsupportability of SDEBNARY or SDELOB feature classes.
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