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Editor tracking returns anonymous

06-12-2014 09:57 AM
New Contributor III
I am running a website with an SQL server 2008r2 and am using Basic authentication for user access. Each user has a unique ID and password. When I enable editor tracking, the user column lists "ESRI_anonymous". What do I need to do to reflect the correct user ID in the tracking?
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7 Replies
Esri Notable Contributor

What version of ArcGIS Desktop are the users using for editing?

What version is the SDE geodatabase at? (i.e. 10.1 SP1, 10.2.x, etc...)

When you say you are using "Basic Authentication" do you mean database authentication, not O/S authentication?

Are there other users where the proper name is being populated into the created_user /last_edited_user fields?

--- George T.
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New Contributor III
This is web-based editing using the Flex editor widget ver. 3.6.  We are using ARCGIS 10.2.
It is Basic Authentication through the IIS-7. No other user name comes up, only "ESRI_anonymous".
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Esri Notable Contributor

This seems to be a configuration setting between ArcGIS for Server and the Web Adapter, not with the geodatabase portion of the editor tracking. It appears that the users are being logged as the Esri_anonymous.

You might get more response if this was posted into the ArcGIS for Server - General or the ArcGIS for Flex Viewer forums. You can also contact Esri Support for more information and possible solution.

--- George T.
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New Contributor III
Thanks for the suggestion. I'll pursue the other options.
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Occasional Contributor II

Did you ever find a solution to this problem?  I'm having the same issue.

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Occasional Contributor III

Hello!  You must disable Anonymous authentication if you want to take advantage of Basic Authentication--you can't have both.  Here's a link: Configure Basic Authentication (IIS 7)

New Contributor III

I have checked our configuration, and all of our production websites have Anonymous authentication disabled with the exception of the default web site, which still has Anonymous enabled, as we wanted it to be publicly available.

If we enable Basic authentication on the default web site, our production sites require two logins to reach the respective sites. In the server log, we can see who has logged in to each site and the time stamp.  Why is this not picked up in the editor tracking?

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