I have a dwg file (attached) that I want to overlay on top of a raster image. The raster image is georeferenced to Web Mercator. Somehow I cannot view the DWG at all: zoom to layer OR zoom to selected features doesn't work, nor does Georeferencing / Fit to Display. ArcMap however shows a point when I select Fit to Display, but the whole CAD file is not visible. Any suggestions what to try next?
for vector data, use Spatial Adjustment instead
Thanks Dan. I've tested the Spatial Adjustment, but I can't move the entire layer without the original layer getting skewed and scaled. Isn't there a way I could just select a polygon layer (shp or feature class) and move it to a new x,y location?
what you describe always suggests that your control points are too close together or you are selecting the link source-destination in the wrong order. Check this using..
what you want is just to drag to a new spot or fit to display using vector data... perhaps that is a Cad thing, so you could effectively do most of what you want if you have access to a cad program first, before importing it into Map or Pro