hello everyone,
I am trying to export several domains to a single table so that in the end I will have a table that I can import again to domains, having everything together.
My approach was to use "domain to table" for each of the domains that I am interested. However right here I am blocked.
This is the error message:
Executing: DomainToTable "U:\Old JAT\support\Vector\Geodatabase\93SAFER_WP20500_v00-14-1.mdb" AL015_DDC L:\support\AL015_DDC Codes Description #
Start Time: Tue Feb 22 09:29:32 2011
ERROR 999999: Error executing function.
Failed to execute (DomainToTable).
Failed at Tue Feb 22 09:29:32 2011 (Elapsed Time: 0,00 seconds)
Please can someone help me on this one.