Solved! Go to Solution.
Yeah, I noticed this morning that my code didn't match what was here, so I updated it. When I ran the script, I got 100 grids, but it was 100 over the entire map instead of each polygon. Not sure if I set something up wrong or what? Thanks again for the help!
I think it might be because I was not clearing the "tempGrid" in between iterations. Try adding these line after specifying the location of the "tempGrid" (line 25):
#delete tempGrid if exists:
if arcpy.Exists(tempGrid):
I've also edited my post above to reflect these changes.
Well Joshua, it's still just dividing up the entire map layer into 100 grids instead of each polygon in the layer. Not sure if I am doing something wrong on the setup...In looking at the code, is each polygon supposed to be in it's own layer?
Ohhh, I think I completely misunderstood you. I thought you made multiple layers (pointing to multiple shapefiles/FCs) in an MXD that you wanted to split into a given number of grids. It sounds like you actually want to take a single layer in an MXD and split it into multiple grids. Is this correct?
Do they have to be split into a specific number of grids or into a grids of a specific dimension?
Sorry...I was afraid of that after I started looking closer at the code...Here is a sample of what I'm talking about. It is 1 layer with many polygons in a grid. I need to split each polygon into 100 sub-grids with number labels from 1-100. When I saw your original post, I liked the way the grids were laid out over the layer extents and thought it might work for my situation.
Hello Jack,
Thank you for the explanation and the picture. I think I now have a much better understanding of your needs. I've created another version of the script. Unfortunately I'm a little short on time and don't have time to test it. If you could let me know what errors pop up, we can fix the script as needed.
import arcpy
arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True
#set feature classes:
tempGrid=r'C:\Path\To\tempGrid.shp' #just a temporary file
outFC=r'C:\Path\To\grid.shp' #final grid
#set number of desired cells:
#set ID field in the input feature class:
idField="ParentID" #set to a field you can use to identify with original record each grid was part of *MUST BE UNIQUE
#get shape field
shapeName = arcpy.Describe(inFC).shapeFieldName
#delete tempGrid if exists:
if arcpy.Exists(tempGrid):
#delete outFC if exists:
if arcpy.Exists(outFC):
#Create output FC (the where statement will select 0 records
arcpy.Select_analysis(inFC, outFC, '"'+idField+'" <> "'+idField+'"') #change double quotes "" to [] if using geodatabases
for row in rows:
where='"'+idField+'" = \''+row.getValue(idField)+'\'' #change double quotes "" to [] if using geodatabases
#Use this line if your idField is a number: where='"'+idField+'" = '+str(row.getValue(idField)) #change double quotes "" to [] if using geodatabases
arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(inFC, "master_lyr",where)
feat = row.getValue(shapeName)
#set default grid variables:
extent = feat.extent
origin_coord=str(extent.XMin)+" "+str(extent.YMin)
oppositeCoorner=str(extent.XMax)+" "+str(extent.YMax)
y_axis_coord=str(extent.XMin)+" "+str(extent.YMin+10)
geometryType = 'POLYGON'
#set starting cellSize and increment:
countOutFC=0.0 #needed to start while loop
#Find an appropriate cell size:
while countOutFC!=x:
if cellSize==inc:
arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(tempGrid, "temp_lyr")
arcpy.SelectLayerByLocation_management("temp_lyr", "INTERSECT", "master_lyr")
print "Cell size: "+str(cellSize)+" Count: "+str(countOutFC)
if countOutFC>x:
print "Overshot..."
print '\nFound an appropriate cell size: '+str(cellSize)
#Find a simplified cell size:
print "\nTrying to simplify..."
for i in range(len(str(cellSize))):
if simpCellSize==0:
arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(tempGrid, "temp_lyr")
arcpy.SelectLayerByLocation_management("temp_lyr", "INTERSECT", "master_lyr")
print "Cell size: "+str(simpCellSize)+" Count: "+str(countOutFC)
if countOutFC==x:
if simpCellSize==cellSize:
print "Could not easily find a simplified cell size."
#rerun for last good cellsize (not simplified):
arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(tempGrid, "temp_lyr")
arcpy.SelectLayerByLocation_management("temp_lyr", "INTERSECT", "master_lyr")
print "A simplified cell size: "+str(simpCellSize)
del rows
print "Done!!!"
Hi Joshua, I am trying to use your script and I keep getting a runtime error on line 30. Also, I am new to python, what parts of the code do I need to change in order to so it works with my feature class.
I don't know if all the quote marks on that line line up properly, but the final character should be ), not <.