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Direct Connect DLLs

10-22-2009 03:27 PM
MVP Honored Contributor
Original Post Date: Oct 22, 2009 4:27 PM PDT

On the old install for Desktop these were a part of the install, but then I heard they were on the same "disk" for SDE, is that the case, or are they just incuded as part of the install for desktop.  Trying to connect from 94 to 931.
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33 Replies
MVP Honored Contributor
This is without the installs, thinking they are automatically installed, I get the normal error that I cannot connect to an older SDE GDB.
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MVP Honored Contributor
:(I posted to Server, and haven't recieved any info, so I am putting it here as well , since this is the install it was apart of originally.  Is this still a needed install for direct connect to previous databases?  Will it be a separate download?
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Emerging Contributor
Same here!
I was going to test 9.4 desktop first and then later put the Server stuff on a virtual machine.
So far no connection to SQLServer based _ArcSde DBs, sniff.
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Deactivated User
The libraries needed to direct connect to older geodatabases are automatically included in the desktop install.  Can you report this as a bug, please, so we can try to figure out what's going on? 

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MVP Honored Contributor
I will and have, I just need to follow up with Support.  Yeahhh, someone got back to me.  I tried sde94:sqlserver:Servername, which triggered the backward support error, so let me get with support so we can move forward and actually start doing some real testing.
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MVP Honored Contributor
Attached is the Issue, I have also sent this off to support.  I have tried sde:, and sde94: in the dc service box.  Is there something MS related I need to update??
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Esri Contributor

this message means that your SQL Server Native Client is not up to date. At 9.4, when connecting to SQL Server, you must have the SQL Server Native Client installed locally that matches, or is newer, than the SQL Server instance you are trying to connect to. If you are connecting to SQL Server 2008 you need to have the 2008 Native Client. It is downloadable from here:

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MVP Honored Contributor
Shannon to the rescue.  Thank you Shannon:p.
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MVP Honored Contributor
Good to go, now we can really test.
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