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Customize address locators in ArcGIS 10

02-04-2011 03:13 AM
Occasional Contributor
Hello everyone

I am experiencing some problems with customizing the address locator style in ArcGIS 10. I have to admit that I haven't done any customization before, so this would be my first time. The reason why I need to do this is that the address locator style doesn't match the UK style addresses.

The elements that I tried modifying are:
- Suffix types, Prefix types, Unit types, House numbers and Aliases (all these under the grammar section)
- I have also tried to add unit type, unit number and house name into the mapping schema and reference data styles (Single House Address only)

Before starting the work, I have read the ESRI Geocoding technical paper "Customizing Locators in ArcGIS 10", November 2010 and used it as a guide.

After finishing the modifications, I have copied the .lot.xml .xsd and .xslt files into the Locators folder (C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\Desktop10.0\Locators). Then, I tried creating a new address locator using the modified schema. I didn't get too far, as just after I clicked "My Address-Single House", ArcCatalog closed down without any warning or any error report.

I must have done something wrong, but I have no clue what or how I could validate the modified file and see my mistakes.

I have therefore attached the files that I have modified, hoping that there is someone here that could give me a hand with this.

Many thanks in advance

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22 Replies
Occasional Contributor
Hi there.

Could you, please upload you file as a zip file? I can't open .rar files. Thanks


Hi all;

I apologize if this is not the appropriate place for may question, but I'm looking for a answer for days on that.
I'm trying to customize a Brazilian address locator style for a specific propose, but my locator doesn't return any field in the Field Map in Create Address Locator window.
Looks like my style doesn't require any field, so when I put my reference data a error message appear saying "Too many reference data tables for this style". Moreover, i can't set the inserted reference data as "primary table". The only option is "alias table".

I'll attach the XML here. If someone could give a hand on this little question I would be grateful.
Best regards

Jefferson Ferreira Ferreira
0 Kudos
Deactivated User
Hi there;

Andreea, thank you very much for your interest in help me. I was working on that a month.
Besides the question of the fields were not appear in Create Address Locator window, i need to put a reference data with 4 fields of house number on each line segment: Left from, left to, and so on. But I'm not sure where declare that issue in xml file. I emphasize the Brazilian address style is composed by a prefix (av, st,...) street name and number.
If you, or someone, could help I'll be grateful.

Jefferson Ferreira Ferreira
0 Kudos
Occasional Contributor
Hi Bruce,

Is the intention to release these UK address locator styles in the core ArcGIS product?  If so, have you any idea of when that might be?


Andreea et alia

Please try the attached.  A UK style is still in progress.

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Occasional Contributor
Hi Jefferson

I tried to have a look at your file, but I'm a bit busy at the moment so I couldn't spare too much time on it. I remember at some point I got the same error message about having too many reference tables, even though I only had one, but I can't remember how I fixed the issue though... Useless, I know. If you want, you can have a look at the file we use for our locator, and by comparison try to spot any mistake in your file. Hope this helps.


Hi there;

Andreea, thank you very much for your interest in help me. I was working on that a month.
Besides the question of the fields were not appear in Create Address Locator window, i need to put a reference data with 4 fields of house number on each line segment: Left from, left to, and so on. But I'm not sure where declare that issue in xml file. I emphasize the Brazilian address style is composed by a prefix (av, st,...) street name and number.
If you, or someone, could help I'll be grateful.

Jefferson Ferreira Ferreira
0 Kudos
by Anonymous User
Not applicable
Has this topic (namely address locator for OS data) advanced any with 10.1? I'm yet to have a look into this but thought i would ask the question particularly given Redlands input in thread history.

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New Contributor
Hi Cameron

Sorry for this late reply. I haven't checked my emails for ages... Yes, you would have thought so, but the reality is different.

I spent lots of time on trying to create my own geocoding service and after loads of trial and error attempts, I have managed to get somewhere. I can proudly say (just because I didn't get any help from ESRI or anyone else and I did it all by myself) that I managed to get a pretty good address locator. It's not perfect and it needs more input, but it's a start. The trouble is that for the last 2 months or so I haven't had the time to look into it, as I had other priorities. We changed our gazetteer software and I need to wait until everything runs smoothly on that side before I spend more time on the locator, but I'm sure that its turn will come soon! 🙂

It's been a while now since I haven't touched it, but from what I can remember I've got to the stage where it finds all the addresses except from one particular situation, i.e.: when you're trying to search for a specific flat within a a block of flats, it returns as 100% matched all the flats within that block of flats. I'll probably need to look more into the scores, but I just couldn't find what exactly needs modifying.

I have also tried to create different locators which I can then merge into a composite locator. So...I managed to create a street locator taking the centre point of each street (it would have been great if there was an easy way to modify the one range or two range styles, but as I can see it, there is no easy way of doing it...); I have also created locators for postcodes and towns, which were ok. The postcode locator was a bit tricky, but in the end I managed to modify it so it now recognizes postcodes with or without a space in-between the two parts (e.g. KT17 3EH & KT173EH)

Now, it's only a matter of fixing the single house style so that it does exactly what I want it to. Also, once I finish this I want to look into the reverse geocoding as I haven't had the chance to do that at all. Anyway, if you think we can both work on any bit of this geocoding service and get somewhere (2 is always better than 1 🙂 ), please let me know.


Hi, i hope u can send me the tutorials on how to do this or u can send all the customize files...i really hope that u can help me.. actually this is related to my final year project which is customizing address locator for my country Malaysia... i really really hope u can help me to complete my project...
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Emerging Contributor
I, too, would be grateful if you could share a tutorial (or at least the steps you went through to modify the style).

Have fun!
0 Kudos
New Contributor
Hello Andrea

i have same problem here. I want to using Gazetteer Metadata services for loading Gazetteer Tools in arcgis server.
but most of reference at arcgis resource center are suggested using arcIMS services (,

is there any other ways to loading Gazetteer Metadata servicesat arcgis server?

could you give me best advice about this?

many thanks
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Honored Contributor

I thought I'd have a play with geocoders in the hope of adding the widget to my javascrip api app. However I'm having all sorts of issues.

Using the UK Postcode template from above (many thanks) - I can get one set up, but it only does a full match, so it will return a match for "EX10 8HL" but not for "EX10 8"

So, I set a even simpler one up, just wards, again it returns only if te full string is matched, and then only one hit, so a search for "Ward" returns only one result, despite all the wards having this string in its name.

The whole thing looks very promising, I'd love to offer some sort of fuzzyness to my browser based users, but simply cannot get to grips with this at all.


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New Contributor

Hi all, 

I am new to this and I am actually stuck at the part for reference data. May I know where do you guys get the reference data?


Sorry if this sound like a stupid question. 

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