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Creating a mosaic layer

06-25-2014 03:03 AM
Emerging Contributor
Hi all,

Sorry it is a dummie question. I managed to do something last week and it was really easier... However I've been looking for a couple of hours this morning and I cannot find the solution again...

I'm trying to create a mosaic layer with a input of 15 pictures.

First of all I don't want to use the mosaic to new raster because it always reinterpolate the pixel of the raster and I want to keep them the way it is and not reinterpolated.

I think the solution I find was within the data management toolbox where I was creating a temporary mosaic that I was then able to save as a layer file (I add to set the option to pick up the lowest value if two image were overlapping in order that the white background surrounding my picture will not appear in the mosaic layer).

I can't remember what tool did I use. The only thing I find this morning is the tool make mosaic layer. But it ask me as first entry to define mosaic dataset which I don't remember I had to point to anything.

I rember I only need to select all the relevant raster and decide which was selected in case of overlap (first-last-mean-min-max...) then a layer was added which I had to save to reopen on other drawing.

Any idea what I could do?

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2 Replies
Esri Esteemed Contributor
Hi Thomas,

You will most likely using the Mosaic tool within the Image Analysis window:
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Emerging Contributor
Oh yes!

Thank you so much, that was it!

I've had to spend yesterday playing around with the mosaic dataset possibilities and using some polygon from another shapefile (containing the name of the picture as an attribute) as footprint and got some really good results but it is much more work!

Not sure which way I go for the rest of my work:
-I think when picture don't overlap apart from the white border the Mosaic tool within the Image Analysis window (using minimum for the output) is plenty good enough.
-When picture overlap including area of data a mosaic dataset is needed.

Thanks again for you're help, after hours I did give up looking for it!
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