Create Replica Failed - Item not found

06-10-2013 09:34 AM
Emerging Contributor
All -

I've googled this and seen a few issues and responses, but nothing that spells out what the problem is or how to solve.

Creating a checkout replica (file GDB) from an Oracle 11g ArcSDE instance, ArcGIS 10.1, SP 1:

ArcGIS begins the replication process but then returns the following error:

Create Replica failed.  The item was not found. [Item Type: {747371149-DCB5-4257-8904-B9724E32A530}]

In my case it seems to be the same "Item Type" each time.

All data is registered as versioned, has global IDs, is being checked out by data owner in a version that is owned by the data owner.  I've opened a clean ArcMap document and tried that.  What is the issue here?


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4 Replies
Emerging Contributor
Update -

I also received the same cryptic error when just trying to CREATE a file GDB, so I'm not sure what the issue is.  I then tried the checkout using a PGDB and the checkout works fine.  So, any ESRI peeps want to chime in with what the issue might be?  Is there a problem with the file geodatabase?  I'd prefer to not use PGDBs, but can initially until the other issue is solved.

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Deactivated User
I got the same error message when trying to replicate tables and views from an SDE database to another SDE database (parent to child).

The problem resolved itself when I realised that replicating views probably doesn't work. I tried replicating only the tables, and that worked.

This might not be the problem in your case, but I thougth I'd mention it as a possible solution.
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Deactivated User

Just in case this helps someone, the issue was I had selected all my tables in my sde database. Initially, I too had a couple of views that were selected, so I removed these. I still encountered the mysterious error. My selection also included the SDE Compress Log table, which after removing the table from the selection I was able to create a replica. Apparently this table can't be part of a replica.

TLDR: don't try to create a replica with the table SDE_compresss_log

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Frequent Contributor

Check the list of feature classes and tables that are being replicated, if the names aren't identical in source and destination, then you probably have a feature class included from the source that is not in the destination GDB. The create wizard is then trying to replicate two different source feature classes to the same destination feature class. In my case I had checked replicate existing data only, and was getting the error item name already exists & item not found. When I checked the list I found parcels & streets were being created twice from two different source feature classes.

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