I am using ArcMAP 10.4.1.
I have several point shapefiles containing different occurrence data for two different species of flower (from multiple sources, hence the multiple shapefiles). I want to create a buffer from a central point that includes a quantity of at least 50 each of each species. I'm familiar with the general buffer tool, so for example, I can create a buffer of a certain size and clip to it, but what I'm hoping to do is create a buffer that contains at least 50 occurrences of each species regardless of the size, from a certain point (i.e. a city).
I'm hoping this can actually be done in ArcMAP? I've been searching this forum, StackExchange and elsewhere, and can't find this anywhere.
That summary needs to be created and joined as a field to the point's table so you can buffer by a data in a field
Try to use X and Y fields as Analysis fields in Grouping Analysis tool .
And Change Number of groups in the tool each time to to get best result .
Just an idea - a different approach based on the theory that you want the 50 closest to the fixed central point in the City. If that is the case:
Pointdistance (for older versions of ArcGIS) Point Distance—Help | ArcGIS for Desktop
Near Near—Help | ArcGIS for Desktop
Generate Near Table Generate Near Table—Help | ArcGIS for Desktop
Chris Donohue, GISP