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copy layer between two projects

10-29-2014 03:25 AM
Deactivated User


I've just recently changed from arcgis Desktop 9 to arcgis 10.2.2 and I have the following issue.

In arcigs 9 when two mxd project were opened, one could copy a layer from one project to the other by simply right click a layer--> copy  in one mxd and paste it in the other mxd project.

In arcgis 10, it seems this is not possible anymore.

Has anyone got an idea how to solve this issue or how to work around this?

Kind Regards,


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1 Reply
MVP Notable Contributor

I've just opened a 9.3 mxd in ArcGIS 10.2.2 and was able to copy and paste into a blank MXD, so not sure what your problem is?

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