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Convert Geometry Storage from SDEBINARY to ST_GEOMETRY

02-17-2014 10:12 PM
Emerging Contributor
Hello All,
I have the enterprise 9.3.1 SDE large GDB (around 1 TB ) where geometry is stored in SDEBINARY.
I am thinking to convert the geometry storage to ST_GEOMETRY and want to know your view and experience on that.
1 . ST_GEOMETRY is default storage since 9.3 but is that recommended to convert from SDEBINARY to ST_GEOMETRY.
2. Has that been done by someone and issue o approx time taken for the operation (although time taken depends on various factors)
3. Is there any concern or known issue?
4. Will that fragment table?
5. I am hoping that migration will also require adjustment in the code and entire custom code has to be tested.
Any view or any info which help to take the decision further will be appreciated.

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4 Replies
Emerging Contributor
One of the driving force behind the above thought is sharing the data with non ESRI component with in the organization stream like big data etc.
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Esri Esteemed Contributor
A terabyte is trivial amount of raster data, but it's a lot of vector data.

ST_GEOMETRY has improved over the years -- There have been ten minor
releases since 9.3.1 SP2 (twelve since 9.3.1), but you don't have access
to any of them.

You're looking at using retired software for a significant change to your database.
I would not recommend this.

To answer your questions:
1) No
2) No way to even provide a glimmer (all dependent on missing information)
3) Tons of concerns
4) Absolutely
5) Why are you hoping that?

- V
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Emerging Contributor
A terabyte is trivial amount of raster data, but it's a lot of vector data.

ST_GEOMETRY has improved over the years -- There have been ten minor
releases since 9.3.1 SP2 (twelve since 9.3.1), but you don't have access
to any of them.

You're looking at using retired software for a significant change to your database.
I would not recommend this.

To answer your questions:
1) No
2) No way to even provide a glimmer (all dependent on missing information)
3) Tons of concerns
4) Absolutely
5) Why are you hoping that?

- V

Vince, Thanks for response.

Its vector data with Geometric network and open versions.
I agree that 9.3.1 is retired but we have certain dependancy. Going to 10.2 will take almost 12-15 months minimum. You can say then 10.2 will be slightly outdated :).

I am also exploring the option even if that is suggested or having mileage in converting to ST_GEOMETRY after upgrading to 10.2.
From your response I am getting glimpse that should be done.

Thanks a lot.
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Deactivated User
my *personal* openion is that you should start migration form now before upgrading if possible.
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