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Compressed File GDB Bug Still Not Fixed

12-16-2009 09:45 AM
Frequent Contributor
This bug was reported at 9.2, but I don't have the NIM number.  There's a noticeable memory leak when repeatedly rendering and querying data in ArcMap or ArcReader from a compressed file geodatabase.  As a result, performance would deteriorate over time as available memory is consumed.  The problem is not present with an uncompressed file geodatabase.  Although this is not a critical bug for us in terms of workflow, it would save some time in copying basemap datasets to our field people if we could compress them. 😉

Actually, the amount of memory leaked at 9.4 beta 1 seems half that at 9.3.1, but it's still definitely there.
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5 Replies
Deactivated User
Thanks for reporting this, we would like to fix this further. Can you describe your data and what it is you are doing in ArcMap to see the memory leak? If you can describe the steps I need to take, I will attempt to reproduce it here with my own data.
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Frequent Contributor
I'm displaying a pretty good mix of features:  polygons, lines, points, and annotation.  Some features are labelled.  I zoom to a scale where pretty much everything is displayed, say 1:2400, and start panning around with the task manager active, say 4-8 miles.  If the file GDB is uncompressed, the memory consumption level stays pretty constant; but if the file GDB is compressed, I can watch the level climbing as previously unrendered features are rendered.
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Esri Contributor
Please contact support and we can work with you ensure this is logged into our system correctly.
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Deactivated User
Thanks for your quick response. I tried to duplicate the conditions you described but I was unable to reproduce the problem. Can you please be more specific about your data and I will try again? Some details that will be helpful are:

How many features in your map? And if you can attach screenshots of your TOC and map please do
How many feature classes?
How dense are features, are there a lot of vertices?
Any other data types you did not mention, ex. raster?
How many seconds does it take to render for each pan?

We appreciate your help
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Frequent Contributor
I'll go ahead and log another tech support incident, though I wish I'd kept the info from the previous one.  That way I can ftp the dataset and MXD.
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