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changing Server Roles for "SDE" user

02-24-2014 12:12 AM
Deactivated User
dear experts,

For technical reason, I change (add) the Server Role for user "SDE". Previously it was "Public", now I add "SYSADMIN"

What are the implications ?

One known implication is that the attribute in FC cant be edited via ArcCatalog. Can anyone explain why i cant edit my FC using user SDE after I add SYSADMIN to SDE?

I am using SQL Server

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3 Replies
Esri Esteemed Contributor
You appear to have two issues -- granting unnecessary privileges to SDE and using the SDE user for unnecessary purposes.  The SDE user exists to manage the geodatabase install. It should not own user tables, and it should not be used to access user tables. The password for the SDE user should be tightly controlled and rarely used.  -V
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Deactivated User
Hi Vince,

Yes I am granting too much privilege "SDE" because there is an application that uses SDE to access data. Pardon me..

So what are the implications of changing (adding) the Server Roles for SDE, from Public to SYSADMIN + Public ?
Why cant I edit a FC after changing it ? I have reports from users that they cant edit FC anymore.They also cant update attribute tables.

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Esri Esteemed Contributor
I have no idea how this would behave because I've never tried to break the
security model this thoroughly.

- V
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