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Changing a version's parent

09-21-2012 02:14 PM
by Anonymous User
Not applicable
We currently have a Bulletin Board version under sde.default, and then edit versions under the Bulletin Board version. Our normal workflow is to reconcile/post the edit versions to the Bulletin Board during the day. At the end of the day the Bulletin Board is reconciled/posted with sde.default. Usually this works fine. We do have many (300+) long-term versions that can have work in-process for months. They are reconciled daily bia a batch reconcile tool. My question is this: Can we change the parent version on existing versions from the Bulletin Board to sde.default without having to post them? We would like to get rid of the Bulletin Board version because of ghost conflicts we are getting and go to a flat versioning structure.
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6 Replies
Deactivated User
No, you cannot change a version's parent after it has been created.
You will need to create all the versions again, if you want the parent to be SDE.Default.

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Occasional Contributor
Hi Dori,

while not supported, this can be done.  I've done it before for other bulletin board folks.

1) test this!
2) take good backups
3) the trick is to get bulletin board and sde.default to be at the exact same state prior to re-parenting.  This is achieved by posting and reconciling the in the appropriate order.
4) once they are at the same state (query sde.versions), you can update the attributes in sde.versions for the version which you'd like to reparent.

UPDATE sde.versions SET parent_name = 'DEFAULT', parent_owner = 'SDE', parent_version_id = 1
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Esri Contributor

Rather than mess with changing the parent version, why not change your workflow to reconcile and post edits directly to DEFAULT from your edit versions? 

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Occasional Contributor
Hi Kim,
That's exactly the workflow that's causing Dori's ghost conflict problem to begin with.

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by Anonymous User
Not applicable
Thanks for the replies. We have had ghost conflicts appear about every 2 years and it's a real pain to clean up. We are at the point of desparation and willing to get rid of our bulletin board version. 🙂  I'll test out the process you suggested Anthony and see if I break anything. Of course, backups first!
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Esri Contributor
Hi Dori,

I would encourage you to also contact support about your phantom conflicts.  If there is a problem in the software that's causing this, we need to fix it. Or if it is a problem that happens with certain workflows, we need to document how to avoid it.


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